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Writer's pictureIsrael Ferrer

There is a Jack in your Box

Proverbs 29:11 (NKJV)

A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back.

Our feelings affect our everyday lives. God intended for us to live with our feelings, not be led by them. God’s desire and design for our feelings was for them to serve us, not for us to serve them, feelings make a great servants but horrible Masters.

Feelings were intended to be an indicator, not a dictator. When they become dictators and when we submit to them, instead of making them submit to us, we end up mishandling our feelings, and when we mishandle our feelings, our feelings will influence our decisions making in our lives.

We need a better understanding on how to get out of the boxes, out of our feelings. We need to know the triggers in our life. We can’t get out of our feelings if we don’t know our triggers. What are triggers; Triggers can be a comment, a situations, or a circumstance that trigger an automatic emotional response, an automatic reaction to engage in behavior that can be damaging and destructive. Triggers that bring Jack out of the box. Everyone has a box, and in that box, there is a Jack.

What do I mean by Jack, Jack is your old nature, the flesh. It’s a nature that must be arrested, it’s a nature that must be put to death, even if it’s not active in your life it’s still present. It’s in the box, but sometimes Jack doesn’t show up until we are wind it up.

Just because you’re not engage in the drama doesn’t mean that you’re delivered from this issue. You might not be engage in the drama, because you haven’t been placed in that situation. But the minute your trigger is pull, it bring out an emotion that produces an automatic response.


One of the first steps to getting out of your feelings is knowing your triggers, so that Jack doesn’t show up at the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong way. We need to be aware how crafty, deceitful, and how sneaky the enemy is, the enemy is more aware of how to get our Jack out of the box then we are. The enemy is waiting for the right situation to start wind up Jack. He knows  it takes but so much winding before Jack comes Out of the Box. And if you aren’t aware of your triggers, you have no idea what areas you are vulnerable in.

Matthew 4:1-2 (NKJV)

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 

 Bradford Health Institute for drug and alcoholism treatment, said in an article. The key to maintaining a life in recovery is a combination of self-care and self-awareness. By taking care of ourselves and recognizing certain signs, we can prevent relapse. One of the tools some people use is HALT. “Acronym”

Hungry – Do I need something physical or emotional?

Angry – What is causing me to feel this way?

Loneliness – Am l having difficulty with others?

Tiredness – When was the last time I took a break?

Hunger, anger, loneliness, and tiredness should serve as a warning sign before things reach a breaking point.

When someone is wrestling with these stages, they are more venerable and can resort back to bad behavior “your old human nature” When you’re starving in any of these areas, the enemy knows that’s the right time to attack, when you’re starving emotionally that’s when the enemy begins winding up Jack.


Do you know what gets you wound up?

If you don’t, how can you keep Jack in its box.

Your triggers a tide into your history; your triggers are tied into real pain that you experience in the pass. So, what you feel emotionally is you inter man alarming you that you are going into an area, a situation that reminds you of the one that cause you real pain.

How well you have been healed spiritually will dictate how long it takes for Jack to come of the out. The more you heal Spiritually, the longer the enemy has to wind up your Jack. It’s tide to real pain that wasn’t properly dealt with, that pain keeps you on edge. So, whenever something is said, or a situation comes up, Jack is ready to pops out. We have to force our self to take a time out, and it force the emotional part of our brain to communicate with my logical part of brain.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

How do you overcome your triggers?

1.    You must Identify them

2.    Be willing to take a time out

3.    Take an emotional break, remove yourself from the situation.

Being able to control your triggers is a sign of spiritual maturity. God has his hand on your triggers, He has removed the hand of the enemy. It doesn’t mean that Jack is gone, it means that you’re Jack is in the box and under God’s control. The Father has His hand on the trigger and when the hands of God is on the trigger, You’re no longer are broken, your Anger is gone, Loneness is gone, you’re no longer wary about your triggers.

You are no longer wary about That JACK that’s in your BOX.


God Bless, Israel

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Awesome , interesting insight! I love this feelings indicators and no dictators!

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