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Mujer Virtuosa ,Woman of Virtue

Writer's picture: Julio FelicianoJulio Feliciano

I want to start this blog by expressing my admiration, for all the woman that work hard for their home and family.

Quiero comenzar este blog, expresando mi admiracion, por todas esas mujeres que trabajan duro por su hogar,y sus familias.

And I want to express my infinite gratitude to God, for giving me the greatest mother than anyone could have. A real woman of virtue,the one that inspired this section in Heavenly Realms and my life.

Y quiero expresar mi gratitud infinita hacia Dios, por darme la mejor madre que alguien puede tener,una verdadera mujer virtuosa ,la cual inspiro esta seccion de Region Celestial, y mi vida!

En la palabra de Dios se registra la importancia de lo que es una verdadera mujer de virtud y el señor estima su valor mas que el de las piedras preciosas. Proverbios 31:10 Mujer virtuosa, ¿quién la hallará? Porque su estima sobrepasa largamente a la de las piedras preciosas.

Pero quien es una mujer virtuosa?

Maria fue una mujer virtuosa! Ella sacrifico todo por Jesus y siguio al pie de la letra las intucciones de Dios .Aunque esto representaba que podia morir en las manos de los lideres religiosos.

Una mujer virtuosa es:1. sacrificada 2.obediente a Dios 3.Amorosa

Ahora hubieron tambien otras mujeres, que se destacaron por sus virtudes,como Ester que se destaco por su sabiduria ,Fe,valentia y desinteres material,entrar sin ser invitada ante la presencia de el rey se castigaba con la muerte,no solo eso, entrar sin dejarse deslumbrar por todo lo que habia, el oro los adornos de pieras preciosas etc.

Una muger virtuosa es: 4.Mujer de fe 5.valiente 6.desinteresada

In the word of God ,it is registered the importance of a true woman of virtue and the Lord estimates her value higher than precious stones(jewels).Proverbs 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

But who is a woman of virtue?

Mary was a woman of virtue, she sacrifice everything for Jesus,and follow God's instruction to the dot. Even though this could have meant, her death in the hands of the religious leaders

So a woman of virtue is: 1.not self centered 2.obedient to the voice of God. 3.a woman of Love

there were other women's that stand out because of their virtues,like Esther she stand out because of her wisdom,faith,courage,unselfishness.To be in the presence of the king without being summon was punished by death,not only that! going in to his presence without being distracted by all the gold and jewels and all the riches around him.

A woman of virtue is: 4.a woman of faith 5.courageous 6.unselfish

Todo lo que llo soy, hoy es por una mujer virtuosa,una guerrera, que en medio de todo lo que sufrio,me enseño que Dios,es real y su testimonio fue un gran ejemp

lo para mi. Asi que sus trabajos y sacrificios nunca seran en vano!

Una mujer virtuosa: 7.siempre tiene a Dios en su hogar

Everything that I am today,is because a woman of virtue,a warrior! that in the mist of all her suffering,she was able to teach me that God is real and her testimony was a great example to me,therefore your work and sacrifices will never be in vain.

A woman of virtue : 7.will always keep God in her home.

Ahora quiero darles la bienvenida e este lugar y espero que sea de edificacion para toda(o)s

que Dios las(o) bendiga

Now I want to welcome you to this place, and I hope that this place, will be palace of edification for you.

God Bless you

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In The Beginning God Created Man his name was Adam then God saw that Adam needed a companion so from his ribs God made a woman name Eve wend God created the Woman God knew exactly how the Woman was going to help the Man of God so she looks at things differently and help the Man to looks at things with a bigger picture Amen🙌🙌🙌

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